I've been trying hard to keep Adair's toys in corners, in baskets, under tables and chairs- hidden. I've been trying to hide the signs that we have a baby living among us. Why? because when I was imagining, dreaming and wishing about the first home I would have as an adult, I completely forgot to factor in the part where I would have a family, and not be the only one living in the house- a realization that is making me wonder about the self-centeredness i didn't think I had, because I think I'm just so perfectly well-adjusted (read sarcasm). So in an effort to make this feel more like her home too, we invested in a large, space hogging contraption that makes the walls and decorations fade behind its circus like colours... we got us an exersaucer. and dedicated a small part of the room to Adair's things.There is nothing cozier than a house that feels lived in, and what better sign of life than a baby's items drenched in warm drool? our living room has a lot of life.

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