Last night Chris and I went to the Manx with Adair and some friends, eventually the conversation turned to the Louis CK stand up happening tonight at the NAC. It occurs to us every now and again, that for two people who love to laugh so much, it's odd that we've never (together or individually) been to see a comedian (for anyone that knows Chris, you might agree that it would be safe for him to resist comedy clubs, if only because he can really become a target). In my case though, I don't know why I've never made it out to a stand up show (Jeremy Hotz was here, Jerry Seinfeld!!, i don't get it... ). Nothing has ever made me laugh harder than a really solid piece of stand up comedy. I have a surprising amount of respect for it as an art, and like I said I love to laugh. Here are a few quotes by Jack Handy that really kill me, I love clean comedy. Happy Friday!!!
I just think it's important to start the weekend laughing, so here are a few quotes from Jack Handy (you might remember him from SNL, if not... remember him from my blog).
“If God dwells inside us like some people say, I sure hope He likes enchiladas, because that's what He's getting”
“The difference between a man and a boy is, a boy wants to grow up to be a fireman, but a man wants to grow up to be a giant monster fireman.”
“As I bit into the nectarine, it had a crisp juiciness about it that was very pleasurable - until I realized it wasn't a nectarine at all, but A HUMAN HEAD!”
“If you saw two guys named Hambone and Flippy, which one would you think liked dolphins most? I'd say Flippy, wouldn't you? You'd be wrong though. It's Hambone.”
Stampede of nudes "The trouble with most paintings of nudes is that there isn;t enough nudity. It's usually just one woman lying there, and you're looking around going, "Aren't there any more nudes?" This idea solves that. What has frightened the nudes? Is it the lightning in the background? or did one of the nudes just spook? You don't know, and this creates tension." |
made you look
"This idea is difficult to execute, but could be a masterpiece. It depicts a grandly dressed lady, looking straight at you. At first her look seems to say, "Quick, look behind you!" So you turn around, and when you look at her again, her expression now seems to be one of smug satisfaction. "
Awesome Jack Handy quotes! I'm going to see Louis CK tonight and am so excited! I LOVE stand-up comedy! We should all go to Yuk-Yuk's amateur night sometime.